Follow this procedure to use the Featuremenu.
Youcan add or edit feature key associations on your IP Phone 2004.
Features are assigned by yoursystem administrator, so the featuresyou
have availablemay differ from those described in this user guide.
Changing the keys to which a feature is associated does not create new
Using the Assign menu
Follow these procedures to use the Assign menu.
Defining the key type
Follow this procedure to assign a keytype to a feature key.
Each feature keycan be defined in one of two ways: Central or Local. A
feature key definedas Central can have a Centrex feature, such as Call
Forward, assigned to it. A feature key defined as Local can havea directory
entry assigned to it. By default, all feature keys are defined as Central.
Step Action
1From the main menu, open the Feature menu.
A list of the feature keys and their current assignments appears.
2Select a key to change.
The Feature submenu appears.
3Select and open Assign.
If the key you selected in step 2 is assigned to a Centrex feature,
these soft key labels appear: Key Typeand Autoscroll.
If the selected keyis assigned to a local feature, these soft key labels
appear: Key Type and Feature.