Frequently Asked Questions (continued)
How can I setup my router to work with Earthlink DSL or any PPPoE connection? (continued)
Step 8 Click Apply. When prompted, click Continue. Once the screen refreshes, unplug the power to the
Step 9 Turn off your DSL modem for
Step 10 Click on the Status tab in the web configuration where you can view the device info. Under WAN, click Connect. Click Continue when prompted. You should now see that the device info will show an IP Address, verifying that the device has connected to a server and has been assigned an IP Address.
Can I use my
In most cases yes. AOL DSL+ may use PPPoE for authentication bypassing the client software. If this is the case, then our routers will work with this service. Please contact AOL if you are not sure.
To set up your router:
Step 1 Log into the
Step 2 Enter your screen name followed by @aol.com for the user name. Enter your AOL password in the password box.
Step 3 You will have to set the MTU to 1400. AOL DSL does not allow for anything higher than 1400.
Step 4 Apply settings.
Step 5 Recycle the power to the modem for 1 minute and then recycle power to the router. Allow 1 to 2 minutes to connect.
If you connect to the Internet with a different internet service provider and want to use the AOL software, you can do that without configuring the router’s firewall settings. You need to configure the AOL software to connect using TCP/IP.
Go to http://www.aol.com for more specific configuration information of their software.