7.6 Skype Voicemail
When you have a new Skype voicemail that you have not listened to, you will hear an intermittent beep in the VoIP dial tone.
If you have no new voicemail (i.e. either no voicemail or voicemail that you have already listened to), the standard VoIP dial tone will be heard.
You can access your voice mail only when there is no call in progress.
In order to access your voicemail:
1.Pick up the attached telephone handset
2.Press ‘##’ to get VoIP dial tone
3.If a new Skype voice message exists the VoIP dial tone will have an intermittent beep
4.Press ‘*’ to access voice mail mode
5.Once in voice mail mode the first message is played automatically
6.At the end of each message a trailing ‘beep” is played
7.At the end of the last messages a trailing
8.During the playing of current message and within 5 seconds following the end of message the you can press the 1, 2, 3, 9 in order to perform the following actions:
9.If you don’t enter any valid key within 5 sec after message has ended, the system will behave as if you pressed ‘3’
User Action | Key |
Repeat current message | 1 |
Delete current message, move to next | 2 |
Keep current message, move to next | 3 |
Delete all messages | 9 |
To exit voicemail mode press ‘##” or place the attached telephone in the handset (i.e. on hook). Alternatively, pressing ‘#1’ will also exit voicemail mode. In either case, the currently playing message will be stopped.