Message | Possible reason | What to do now |
The batteries in this | The batteries in your | Replace the batteries in your remote control or |
remote control are | remote control or | keyboard as soon as possible to avoid losing the |
low. Please replace | keyboard are low and | settings to operate your TV. |
within the next few | need replacing. | Note: If you are using a keyboard, the message will |
days. |
| read “keyboard” in place of “remote control”. |
❖General problems
Problem | Possible reason | What to do now |
You’ve forgotten your |
| Call your broadcaster’s helpdesk. For your |
PIN. |
| broadcaster’s helpdesk number, select the Telephone |
| Numbers option from the Services screen. |
You can’t find the |
| Use the buttons on your Sky digibox – refer to page 45. |
remote control. |
| To purchase another remote control, call Sky |
| Customer Service on 08702 404040, or 1800 535 767 |
| for ROI customers. |
Nothing is happening. | Your Sky digibox is not | Make sure the mains lead is properly plugged in and |
| receiving power. | your Sky digibox is switched on. |
| Your Sky digibox is | Press Sky on your remote control. |
| switched off (the |
| standby(S)light is red). |
Your remote control | The batteries are flat or | Make sure you point your remote control directly at |
isn’t working. | something is between | your Sky digibox and that nothing is between it and |
| the remote and your | your Sky digibox. The remote light should flash on |
| Sky digibox. | your Sky digibox and on the remote control each time |
| you push a remote control key. If neither light flashes, |
| check the batteries in your remote control. |
Your remote control | Someone has pressed | Press Sky on your remote control. |
works with the TV but | tv on your remote |
not with your Sky | control. |
digibox. |
Your remote control | Someone has pressed | Press tv on your remote control. |
isn’t working with your | Sky on your remote |
TV. | control. |
50 | Using your Sky digibox |