0817DTBD-LN11PA-AGN(GB) 2006.8.17 4:8 AM ˘ `
Viewing channels using Category Search
This feature allows you to search for channels related to a particular topic.
For example, if you select “Sports” from the category search list, then only channels related to Sports will be shown in the EPG.
The category of each programme is determined by the broadcaster.
1 Press [EPG] to display the EPG.
2 Press [GREEN]. The category search list appears.
3 Press [OK] and […/†] to highlight the category you want, then press [RED] or [OK] to begin the search.
The Search Results is displayed and only programmes related to that category will be shown in the list.
This unit offers 11 category types, including: Movies/Drama, Current Affairs, Game Shows, Sports, Kids, Music/Dance, Arts/Culture, Social/Political, Educational/Science, Leisure and Special Interest.
4 Press […/†] to highlight the programme you wish to view, then press [OK] to view the selected programme.
If you want to go to the previous mode, press [BACK] on the remote control.
Guide to Digital Servicess
Viewing channels using Keyword Search
This feature allows you to search for channels related to a particular words.
For example, if you enter “Mad about you” in the Keyword Search mode, then only channels related to the keyword “Mad about you” will be shown in the EPG.
1Follow steps 1-2 as shown under ‘Viewing channels using Category Search’.
2Use […/†] to highlight the KEYWORD icon, then press [OK].
4Enter the Keyword related to the program you wish to view, then press [OK].
The Search Result is displayed and only programmes related to that keyword will be shown in the list.
•On the remote control
œ, √, …,† : Moves the cursor to the desired position.
OK: enter the name
•On the Search Result screen CLEAR: Clear all
BACK: Clear a last character.
5Press […/†] to highlight the programme you wish to view, then press [RED] to view the selected programme.