Disc Manager
Erase the disc (DVD±RW)
1Press [DISC OP] to go to ‘Disc Operation’ mode.
2Use [œ/√] to select ‘Erase Disc‘ menu. Then press […] or [†].
3If you want to erase the whole disc, select
‘Yes’ by using [œ/√]. To confirm, select ‘Yes‘. To cancel, select ‘No‘. If you select ‘Yes‘ and press [OK], all the contents of the disc will be lost.
Disc Operation
Are you sure you want to | œ No √ |
erase this disc? |
Press <OK> To Confirm.
DVD±R discs cannot be locked (unlocked) or erased.
Lock/Unlock the disc (DVD±RW)
If you want to protect a disc from accidental recording, editing, or erasing, you can lock the disc. Later, if you change your mind, you can unlock the disc.
1Press [DISC OP] to go to ‘Disc Operation’ mode.
2Use [œ/√] to select ‘Lock/Unlock Disc‘ menu. Then press […] or [†].
3You can see the current disc status (Locked or Unlocked).
Disc Operation
This disc is unlocked, do you œ No √ want to lock it?
Press <OK> To Confirm.
4You can change the disc status by selecting ‘Yes‘ and pressing [OK]. The ‘Changing Disc Status’ bar will appear. This process takes a few seconds.
5After the process is finished, the recorder goes to the ‘Information’ menu automatically.
Edit Disc Name
You can rename your disc to any name you choose. The default disc name is ‘MY DVD‘.
1Press [DISC OP] to go to ‘Disc Operation’ mode.
2Use [œ/√] to select ‘Edit Disc Name‘ menu. Then press […] or [†].
3If you want to change the disc name, select ‘Yes‘ by using [œ/√] and pressing [OK].
Disc Operation
Do you want to edit the disc | œ Yes √ |
name? |
Edit Disc Title
4The Keyboard Menu appears.
5Use [œ √…†] to select and press [OK] to enter the name of the disc.
•On the remote control
œ, √, …,† : Moves the cursor to the desired position.
OK: enter the name
•On the typing screen CLEAR: Clear all
BACK: Clear a last character.
6Press [RED] to save.