dCS Verona User Manual | Manual for Software Issue 1.0x |
dCS Ltd | September 2004 |
M |
main display............................................. | 16, 21 |
maintenance .................................................. | 32 |
master clock .................................................... | 3 |
Menu.............................................................. | 14 |
Menu button............................................. | 14, 21 |
menu flow chart ............................................. | 14 |
Menu Select button........................................ | 14 |
Menu Step Back button ........................... | 14, 20 |
Menu Step button .................................... | 14, 21 |
menu time out.......................................... | 15, 16 |
menu times out too soon ............................... | 16 |
Menu, closing................................................. | 15 |
menu, Couple ................................................ | 15 |
Menu, opening............................................... | 14 |
Menu, using ................................................... | 14 |
mode, standby ............................................... | 20 |
N |
No Track message ........................................ | 18 |
Non Seq message ......................................... | 19 |
O |
OK indicator................................................... | 21 |
opening the Menu.......................................... | 14 |
operating conditions ...................................... | 25 |
option, mains supply voltage ......................... | 30 |
options ........................................................... | 30 |
options, changing .......................................... | 30 |
output frequencies ......................................... | 24 |
output, RCA ................................................... | 22 |
outputs, connecting to ..................................... | 9 |
outputs, SPDIF .............................................. | 22 |
outputs, Word Clock ...................................... | 22 |
P |
packaging, replacement ................................ | 28 |
phase locked loop.................................... | 24, 26 |
Please Start CD message ............................. | 18 |
positioning the unit......................................... | 29 |
Power button.................................................. | 20 |
power inlet ..................................................... | 23 |
power interruption.......................................... | 36 |
Power Link connector .................................... | 23 |
power off........................................................ | 20 |
power on........................................................ | 20 |
power requirements....................................... | 25 |
power switch.................................................. | 23 |
power up failure ............................................. | 37 |
PowerDn message .................................. | 20, 36 |
powering up ..................................................... | 8 |
24 | |
PWR indicator................................................ | 21 |
R |
RCA output .................................................... | 22 |
rear panel....................................................... | 22 |
remote control sensor.................................... | 21 |
resetting to factory state................................ | 19 |
S |
safety............................................................. | 28 |
safety, electrical ............................................ | 34 |
sample clock ................................................. | 24 |
sample rate ......................................... | 6, 22, 40 |
40 | |
Select button ........................................... | 14, 21 |
Serial menu................................................... | 17 |
serial number, full.......................................... | 17 |
serial number, short ...................................... | 23 |
setting, supply voltage .................................. | 29 |
settings after Factory reset ........................... | 19 |
size................................................................ | 25 |
software issue ............................................... | 16 |
software update by CD ................................. | 17 |
software updates........................................... | 33 |
software upgrade connector ......................... | 23 |
software version............................................ | 40 |
SPDIF............................................................ | 40 |
SPDIF outputs............................................... | 22 |
specification .................................................. | 24 |
specification, Ext Ref Input ........................... | 24 |
specification, SPDIF outputs......................... | 24 |
specification, Word Clock outputs................. | 24 |
standby mode ............................................... | 20 |
status indicator.............................................. | 21 |
STBY indicator .............................................. | 21 |
Step button.................................................... | 14 |
8 | |
SUC connector.............................................. | 23 |
supply voltage option .................................... | 30 |
supply voltage setting ............................. | 23, 29 |
switch, power ................................................ | 23 |
system fails to lock........................................ | 37 |
T |
technical notes .............................................. | 39 |
Temp menu................................................... | 16 |
temperature scale ......................................... | 16 |
temperature, internal..................................... | 16 |
temperature, operating.................................. | 25 |
Test menu ..................................................... | 16 |
38 | |
38 | |
Timeout menu ............................................... | 16 |
Track n message .......................................... | 18 |
troubleshooting ....................................... | 36, 37 |
U |
updates ................................................... | 23, 33 |
updates, hardware ........................................ | 33 |
updates, software.......................................... | 33 |
updating software by CD............................... | 17 |
updating your Verona.................................... | 33 |
upsamper, using ........................................... | 11 |
upsampling transport, using.......................... | 10 |
using a GPS clock......................................... | 13 |
Manual filename: Verona Manual v1.0x.doc | Page 44 | email: more@dcsltd.co.uk |
English version |