




Échec du test du contrôleur du clavier


Perte d'alimentation de la mémoire vive rémanente


Configuration incorrecte de la mémoire vive rémanente


Échec du test de la mémoire vidéo


Échec d'initialisation de l'écran


Échec du retraçage d'écran


Échec de la recherche de la ROM vidéo


Pas de cadence d'horloge


Échec d'arrêt en ordre


Échec de la voie d'accès A20


Interruption inattendue en mode protégé


Échec de mémoire avant l'adresse 0FFFFh


Échec du compteur de puce d'horloge 2


Arrêt de l'horloge système


Échec du test du port série ou parallèle


Échec de décompression du code vers la mémoire de duplication


Échec du test du coprocesseur mathématique


Échec du test de la mémoire cache



Messages d'erreur

REMARQUE : si le message affiché par l'ordinateur ne figure pas dans la liste suivante, reportez-vous à la documentation du système d'exploitation ou du programme qui était en cours d'exécution lorsque l'incident s'est produit.

Si une erreur se produit au démarrage de l'ordinateur, un message identifiant l'incident peut s'afficher à l'écran. Pour obtenir une aide sur la résolution d'un incident, consultez la section “Messages d'erreur” du Guide d'utilisation.


Guide de référence rapide

Page 84
Image 84
Dell 390, GH458 manual Messages derreur

GH458, 390 specifications

The Dell PowerEdge 390 is a versatile and cost-effective server designed to meet the needs of small to medium-sized businesses. Launched as part of Dell's PowerEdge lineup, the 390 offers robust performance, reliability, and management capabilities, making it an ideal solution for various workloads, from file serving to web hosting.

One of the standout features of the Dell PowerEdge 390 is its dual-socket architecture, which supports Intel Xeon processors. This architecture allows users to take advantage of multi-core processing, delivering the performance necessary for demanding applications while enhancing overall system efficiency. The server supports a range of Xeon processors, offering flexibility to choose the best fit for your workload.

Memory is another critical aspect of the Dell 390. It comes equipped with four DIMM slots, supporting a maximum of 32 GB of DDR2 RAM. The server facilitates better multitasking and offers enhanced performance through efficient memory utilization. Additionally, it supports ECC (Error-Correcting Code) memory, providing a safeguard against memory errors and improving the overall reliability of the server.

Storage options for the Dell PowerEdge 390 are ample. The server includes up to four hot-swappable SATA or SAS hard drives, allowing for significant data storage and the possibility of RAID configurations to ensure data redundancy and enhanced performance. The scalability in storage makes it suitable for a variety of applications, whether for general file storage, databases, or virtual environments.

In terms of management and deployment, the Dell 390 features the integrated Dell Remote Access Controller (iDRAC), which facilitates remote management. With iDRAC, administrators can manage the server efficiently, even from a remote location, ensuring uptime and reliable service delivery.

Connectivity options are also robust, with multiple PCIe slots available for expansion cards, enabling users to add features such as enhanced network interfaces or dedicated graphics cards based on their needs. Coupled with integrated network controllers, the server provides reliable connectivity for various networking environments.

In summary, the Dell PowerEdge 390 is a reliable server characterized by its dual-socket support, flexible storage options, efficient memory architecture, and robust management capabilities. Its combination of features makes it a strong contender for businesses looking to optimize their IT infrastructure without compromising on performance or reliability.