14If the memory total is incorrect, repeat step 1 through step 3. Check the installed modules and riser boards to ensure that they are seated properly in their sockets. Then repeat step 10 through step 13.
15When the System Memory total is correct, exit system setup.
NOTE: For more information about system setup see your User’s Guide.
16Turn off the computer, and attach the devices to the computer and electrical outlets.
Removing a Memory Module
CAUTION: Before you perfo rm this procedure, see "Precautionary Measures . "
NOTICE: To avoid damage to the memory module, press the securing clips with equal force applied at each end of the memory socket.
1Press the securing clips at each end of the memory socket outward simultaneously until the module pops out slightly from the socket (see the following figure).
NOTE: To access the securing clips on the system board memory sockets, it may be necessary to remove the fan for microprocessor 0. For instructions on removing and installing the processor fan, see the Service Manual.
2Lift the module away from the socket.
Re mo v i ng a M e mo r y Mo d u le
securing clips (2)
memory socket
Memory Riser Board Replacement