2Open Manage Printer Manager – Release Notes
•This version supports migration from previous versions. Consult the Installa- tion Guide for details.
Known Issues
Consult these files for categories you want to change, and copy those (altered) properties to the file you created in owareapps\installprops. The cat- egories altered in this file override any others.
•Limitation of
•In some managers, the max row count limits any query to return the proper number of items, but changing it may return an inaccurate number of rows. (44454)
•“Too many open file” errors appear in logs. Workaround: On Redhat Linux installations, modify /etc/security/limits.conf on the application server/mediation server installations. Add the following to the file to lift the file limits:
username hard nofile 90000
username soft nofile 90000
Replace username with the name of the user under which the application server was installed. (44236)
•Uninstalling on Windows XP, Service Pack 3 may produce a benign error: “owprocmon.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.” (43481)
•You can delete a filter already in use for a manager. If you do this, then the next time you open that manager, it opens with its default filter. (43008)
•To see all available content, you may have to resize subpanels when looking at Audit Trails in a web client. (41045)
•In some screens of the web client, you may have to resize the screen to see all fields and labels. (42420)
•A “cannot open Internet site...” error appears while opening Web client. Workaround: Such an error appears when you take the focus off the browser while the browser displays the opened manager page. To avoid the error, do not move focus. Alternatively, you can update your browser to Internet Explorer is version 7.0.5730.13 or later. (42279)
•An error message about changing colors may appear when you install on a machine with Windows Vista AERO Graphics (3D graphics) enabled. This occurs because the operating system is scaling back to 2D graphics for the