The 50 capacity (model 78-904) and 30 capacity (model 78-907) Biesemeyerfi T-SquarefiCommercial fence systems are specially designed to be used with:
Delta 10 Tilting Arbor Unisawsfi
Delta 10 Tilting Arbor Saws
Delta 10 Contractor sfi Saws
Delta 10 Contractor sfi Saws II
The T-SquarefiCommercial Fence Systems include the fence assembly, front rail, rear rail and front guide tube. The accessory right extension table (78-925 for 50 capacity model and 78-927 for 30 capacity model) must be ordered separately or a similar extension table must be con- structed by following instructions in this manual. The accessory leg kit (model 78-952), used to support the extension table, must also be ordered separately.IMPORTANT:The T-SquarefiFence System is designed to be used O N LY with a supporting extension table.
The following instructions illustrate assembling the T-SquarefiCommercial Fence System to a Delta 10 Tilting Arbor Unisawfi . Instructions for assembling the fence system to Delta 10 Tilting Arbor Saws and 10 Contractor sfi Saws are identical unless otherwise noted.
Carefully unpack the T-Squarefifence system from the shipping carton(s). Figure 2 illustrates all the items supplied with the 78-904 and 78-907 fence system.
1 | -Rear Rail | for fastening front rail to saw table and sheet metal |
2 | -Front Rail | extension wing if applicable |
| |
3 | -Guide Tube | 16 | -3/8-16 x 1-1/4 long flat head Phillips screws (3) |
| |
4 | -T-SquarefiFence Assembly | 17 | -7/8 O.D. flat washers (3) |
5 | -Switch Adapter for Unisawsfi | 18 | -Lock washers (3) |
6 | -Switch Adapter for Contractor sfi Saws | 19 | -3/8-16 hex nuts (3) |
7 | -Cable Strap | for fastening guide tube to front rail |
| | |
8 | -Template for aligning front rail to saw table | 20 | -1/2 long hex screws (7) |
| | |
for fastening front and rear rails to | 21 | -Lock washers (7) |
| |
right extension table | | |
9 | -1-1/2 | long flat head Phillips screws (14) | for fastening on-off switch adapter to guide tube where |
applicable on Unisawsfi or Contractorsfi Saws |
10 | -1-1/4 | O.D. Flat Washers (14) | 22 | -3/4 long hex head screws (2) |
| | |
11 -1/4-20 hex nuts (14)
for fastening rear rail to saw table and sheet metal extension wing if applicable
23 -Lock washers (2)
for fastening on-off switch to switch adapter where applicable on Contractor sfi Saws
12 -3/8-24 x 1-1/4 long hex head cap screws (3)
24 - 3/8-16 x 1 long hex head screw (1)
13 -7/8 O.D. flat washers (3)
25 -7/8 O.D. Flat washer (1)
14 -Lock washers (3)
27 -Hex nut (1)
15 -3/8-24 hex nuts (3)