[4.5-4] Setting the communications protocol typeSelecting the "4:PROTOCOL TYPE" on the SET
COMMUNICATION menu calls up the screen shown
at left.
Highlighted is the current setting.
1 BHT Protocol: Selects the BHT-protocol for
downloading or uploading
files in System Mode or for
the execution of XFILE state-
ment in BHT-BASIC.
This protocol should be se-
lected for file transmission
with Transfer Utility.
2 BHT-Ir Protocol: Selects the BHT-Ir protocol for
downloading or uploading
files in System Mode or for
the execution of XFILE state-
ment in BHT-BASIC.
This protocol should be se-
lected for file transmission
with Ir-Transfer Utility C/Ir-
Transfer Utility E.
Select a desired item by using the numerical keys
or * and * keys, and then press the ENT
To return to the SET COMMUNICATION menu,
press the C key.
Selecting the "2:BHT-Ir Protocol" on the PROTO-
COL TYPE screen calls up the screen shown at left.
Enter the ID number of the BHT-7000 by using the
numerical keys, and then press the ENT key. If
you do not need to modify the current setting,
press the ENT key only.
An ID number should be five-digit decimal
character string. The entry range is from
00001 to 65535. If the entry value is less
than five digits, the ENT key will be deacti-
If you make a wrong entry, press the BS key to
delete it and then enter the correct data.
To return to the SET COMMUNICATION menu,
press the C key.
1:BHT Protocol
2:BHT-Ir Protocol
00001 >> _
00001 >> 65535_
* For BHT-7000s having a 26-key pad, use F5 , F6 , F7 and F8 keys instead of , ,
, and keys, respectively