Chapter 2. Getting Started the BHT-7000 and System Mode
If an error occurs during uploading
If some error occurs during uploading, one of the following screens will appear and
the beeper beeps three times.
To retry the uploading operation, press the 1 and ENT keys; to abort it, press the 2
and ENT keys.
Press the C key to return to the SYSTEM PARAMETER menu.
Too many files!!
Communication error!!
1:Yes 2:No
Out of memory!!
The memory is insufficient for setting up the BHT
system parameter file to be uploaded.
Press the C key to return to the SYSTEM MENU,
then delete unnecessary files in the memory. (Re-
fer to Subsection 2.6.3, [ 7 ].
The memory has already contained 80 files, so the
BHT system parameter file cannot be set up.
Press the C key to return to the SYSTEM MENU,
then delete unnecessary files in the memory. (Re-
fer to Subsection 2.6.3, [ 7 ].
Uploading has failed.
To retry uploading, press the 1 key.
To return to the SYSTEM MENU, press the 2 key.
Check the interface port and communications pa-
rameters in the SET SYSTEM menu or perform the
communications test in the TEST menu. (Refer to
Subsection 2.6.3, [4.5] and [5.7].)
It is also necessary to check the communications
parameters setup of the host computer.