WARNING: Never attempt to service heater while it is con- nected to propane/LP supply, operating, or hot. Severe burns can occur. Any guard or other protective device removed for servicing must be replaced prior to operating the heater.
1.Keep heater clean. Remove any debris from ventilation openings.
2.Inspect heater before each use. Check connec- tions for leaks. Apply mixture of liquid soap and water to connections. Bubbles forming show a leak that must be corrected. Correct all leaks at once.
3.Inspect hose/regulator assembly before each use. If hose is highly worn or cut, replace it immediately. At least annually, remove hose/ regulator assembly from heater to inspect entire length of hose.
4.Spiders and insects can create a dangerous condition that may damage heater or make it unsafe. Keep burner area clean of all spiders, webs, or insects.
5.Have heater inspected yearly by a qualified service person.
You may have further questions about installation, operation, or troubleshooting. If so, contact DESA Heating Productsʼ Technical Service Department at
You can also visit DESA Heating Productsʼtechni- cal service web site at www.desatech.com.
WARNING: Use only original replacement parts. This heater must use
Contact authorized dealers of this product. If they canʼt supply original replacement part(s), either contact your nearest Parts Central or call DESA Heating Productsʼ Technical Service Department at
When calling DESA Heating Products, have ready
•your name
•your address
•model and serial numbers of your heater
•purchase date
•how heater was malfunctioning
In most cases, we will ask you to return the part to the factory.
Contact authorized dealers of this product. If they canʼt supply original replacement part(s), either contact your nearest Parts Central listed in the Authorized Service Center booklet supplied with heater or call DESA Heating Products (US) at
When calling DESA Heating Products, have ready
•model number of your heater
•the replacement part number
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