IMG 1004 - Software Installation and Setup
5. GCEMS is now started. Verify that all processes are running by entering the following
$ ps -ef |grep Man
You should see the following output showing all the processes running for GCEMS
1. Login to the GCEMS server as user excelsw.
username: excelsw
password: excelsw
2. To start the GCEMS processes through Telnet or Terminal, go to:
/opt/cantata/IMG/GateControlEMS/bin (Software 10.3.3 to 10.5.0)
/opt/dialogic/IMG/GateControlEMS/bin (Software 10.5.1 +)
folder. In each you can find the StartGCEMS file. Execute the following
$ ./StartGCEMS
3. At this point GCEMS will begin the starting process. All the screen captures
above apply when starting GCEMS through telnet or terminal program. The
screen capture you will see will depend on whether the system has been
configured previously or not.
4. Once GCEMS has been started, verify all the processes have started also by
executing ps -ef|grep Man command shown above.
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