Installation and Setup
The services such as DHCP and SNTP can be run on the Linux Server that the GCEMS is loaded
on or can be set up to run on a separate machine. For ease of configuration the services
should run from the same machine. The services below are installed on the GCEMS server
when Linux Red Hat Enterprise is installed. These services can be used to work with the IMG
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
Required to perform BootP function for the IMG 1010. The BootP server and the IMG
1010's must be on the same subnet.
FTP Server (Daemon) (vsftpd)
Required to download the system software to the IMG 1010.
SNTP (Simple Network Time Protocol) Server
Required to synchronize the time on the IMG 1010. Must be co-located with the FTP
NFS (Network File System)
Used to download packaged treatments to the IMG 1010.
Used for remote monitoring and configuration. Installing the VNC application will be
beneficial because Dialogic Technical Support Personnel will use this application to
diagnose any issues that may arise.
NOTE: If you purchased your server through Dialogic or IMG 1010 supplier the software
should already be installed along with all services. If this is the case then setting IP addresses
and retrieving the latest version of software is needed and most steps below can be avoided.
If software is already installed proceed to IMG 1010-Downloading System Software. If GCEMS
server was purchased without software or the customer will provide its own server then follow
instructions below.
1. If not already configured when Linux Red Hat Enterprise OS was installed then a Linux
user must be configured. This user will be given the name excelsw and is the user
configured to run the GCEMS software etc. See the Configuring the Linux User (excelsw)
to configure the excelsw user.
2. Once the Linux user is created the next step is to install the GCEMS software onto the
GCEMS server. See Installing GCEMS Software for information on accomplishing this.
3. After the GCEMS sofware is installed then the GCEMS software must be configured and
the nfs, dhcpd, vsftpd, and ntp services need to be configured and started. See Configure
GCEMS and Start Linux Services link for more information on how to accomplish this.
4. The software is loaded, the GCEMS is configured and the Linux Services are configured
and running. The next step is to download the IMG system software from the GCEMS
server to the IMG. See IMG 1010-Downloading IMG System Software or IMG 1004
Downloading IMG System Software
5. Once software is downloaded and GCEMS software has been installed the GCEMS will
need to be started. See Starting GateControl EMS topic on how to start the GCEMS
6. Once GCEMS is started the ClientView will need to be started. See Starting ClientView on
how to start the ClientView application.
7. Once ClientView is started and you can configure the IMG 1010 the next step is to
configure the GCEMS so that you can get remote access. See Configuring Remote
Desktop for information on configuring and running RealVNC remote access.