Installation and Setup
1. Go to one of the following directories depending on the software version being
used. See Below.
/opt/cantata/common/osconfig (Software 10.3.x to 10.5.0)
/opt/dialogic/common/osconfig (Software 10.5.1 +)
2. Transfer the script lnimg to /home/excelsw/ftpBuilds.
3. From the /home/excelsw/ftpBuilds directory, run the lnimg script
4. Follow the prompts and enter the version of software to be loaded.
5. Script will create a link between a common name img1010_id0101.bin and the
name of the software you would like to load.
6. Execute an ls -la command to verify the link gets created. See Link below
To confirm the link has been created, type:
$ls -la
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Jun 21 09:27 img1010_id0101.bin ->
1. From the /home/excelsw/ftpBuilds directory, enter the command below:
ln -sf img1010_ver10305_id0101.bin img1010_id0101.bin
To confirm the link has been created, type:
ls -la
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Jun 21 09:27 img1010_id0101.bin ->
Verify that the link created points to the correct bin file.