Installation and Setup
Topic Location: IMG 1010-Installation and Setup Guide > IMG 1010-Hardware
The following illustration shows the cabling for redundant control for Network Management.
1. The Ctrl 0 and Ctrl1 ports are used for communication between the Linux Server
(GCEMS) and the IMG 1010.
The CTRL0 and CTRL1 Ports will use the same IP address.
The CTRL1 MAC addresses is CTRL0 MAC + 1.
The MAC address of CTRL0 and CTRL1 are configured through BootP using the
DHCP service on the GCEMS Linux server or using the SD Card. See dhcpd.conf
The CTRL ports are used for communication to the GCEMS server for
configuration and monitoring. These ports can also be used for the following:
SIP / H.323 signaling
NFS for download routing, translation tables, and call treatments