IMG 1004 - Software Installation and Setup
2. Cannot logon to VNC server through VNC Viewer. Get unable to connect to
host error message
A. Is vncserver :1 running?
i. Logon to GCEMS and as an excelsw user enter the following command and
verify vncserver is running
$ps -ef|grep vnc
ii. If vncserver is not running, enter following command to start vncserver
$vncserver :1
A. Is vncserver running as :1 or something other than :1
i. Logon to GCEMS and as an excelsw user enter the following command and
verify vncserver :1 is running
$ps -ef|grep vnc
ii. If vncserver is running on something other than :1 then kill the other process
and start :1 process
$vncserver -kill :2
$vncserver :1
3. On a reboot of GCEMS server the vncserver process does not restart automatically.
A. For security reasons VNCserver does not restart on a reboot of the GCEMS
server. However if your network is secure you can follow the next few steps
and configure vncserver to restart after a reboot of GCEMS server.
B. Open a terminal on GCEMS and go to /etc/sysconfig
C. Using a text editor, edit the vncservers file as shown below:
i. Uncomment the line VNCSERVERS="1:myusername"
ii. Change the line in previous step to VNCSERVERS="1:excelsw"
iii. Save and close
iv. Enter the following command to edit the runlevel
$/sbin/chkconfig vncserver on
v. Verify that runlevels 3 4 and 5 are all on by entering the following command
$/sbin/chkconfig vncserver --list
vncserver 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
vi. vncserver will now start on a reboot of GCEMS