Please Register Your Bike Online At www.diamondback.com
If you do not have access to a computer, please complete the form below and return within the next 10 days.*Notates required fields.
Date of |
| * What is your bike’s | |
Purchase: |
| model year? |
Month | Day |
| Year |
What model bike do you have? |
| * |
| |
Della Cruz |
| Della Cruz 1.0 |
| Grind | |
Impression |
| Joker |
| Jr Viper | Lil’ Della Cruz |
Mini Impression |
| Mini Viper | Miz Della Cruz | Mr. Lucky | |
Mr. Lucky 24 |
| Nitrus |
| Orion | RM 12 |
RM 16 |
| RM 20 |
| Session | Sherman |
Skin Dog |
| Venom |
| Viper | Viper X |
Other (specify) |
What is your bike’s serial number? | (see diagram on inside front cover for location) |
Purchased from (dealer name)?
Dealer’s | Price paid | $ | 0 0 |
state: | (excluding sales tax) : | ||
Reasons you purchased a Diamondback: |
| |
Received as a gift | Advertisement |
| Prior experience with brand |
Color/Appearance | Frame/Design/Materials | Component selection | |
Quality/Durability | Family/Friend Recommendation | Weight of bicycle | |
Comfort/Fit | Value/Price |
| Sales person’s recommendation |
Diamondback’s Reputation | Other |
Other brands considered ?
First Name:
Last Name:
Date of birth:
Month DayYear
Gender: | Male | Female |
Marital status: | Married | Single |
Street | Street & Apt No. | |
* | ||
Address: | ||
| City | |
| * | |
| Zip Code | |
| * | |
Annual | Under $20,000 | |
Income: | $20,000 – $50,000 | |
| $50,000 – $75,000 |
You | Spouse |
Occupation | Professional/Technical |
(Check all | Upper Management/Executive |
that apply) : | |
| Middle Management |
| Sales/Marketing |
| Retired |
Daytime phone:
Evening phone:
$75,000 – $100,000
Over $100,000
You Spouse
Clerical/Service Worker
Tradesman/Machine Operator/Laborer