1. You can skip the services using the (blue) key.
2. The symbol " " will be marked beside the service name.
3. When skip is set for service, you will not be able to view it
when moving through the channels using the P+/ P- keys.
You will be able to view these services when selecting the
channel using the 0 ~ 9 keys, service list or the EPG
1. You can change the service name using the (white)
2. When you press this key, the keyboard screen will be
3. Enter the new service name on it.
You can use the four direction keys to move or select the
; to move the previous service
; to move the next service
; to move back by 10 services
; to move forwards by 10 services
You can move through 20 services by using the P+/P-
Note: The box located between service list and the
explanation of the color keys offers the brief information
for services that a cursor is located in.
Organise Favourite TV Services
This mode serves to add and delete services to and from the
favourite group.
To add services into Favourites, locate the cursor to the
desired service and press the OK key. The function of the
colour keys is the same as Organise All Services, except for
the following differences.
When you delete a service in the Favourites window, the
service is excluded from the favourite group and the service
is still stored in Services window.
You can move the service only within Favourites window.
move the cursor
delete the selected service
move the desired service
lock the selected service
previous or next page
skip the wanted service
change the service name
move the cursor
move the selected service
previous or next page
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