NOTE:On DIRECTV DVRs and DIRECTV Receivers with Tivo
or UltimateTV service, several remote control keys function
differently than those listed in the previous section.They are
described below:
For DIRECTV DVRs,press to
display program options
(DIRECTV Central).
For DIRECTV Receivers with
to display the shows you have
recently recorded (Recent).
For DIRECTV DVRs,use Favorite
to switch from watching a recorded
show to live TV (Return To Live).
For DIRECTV Receivers with
UltimateTV,use Favoriteto view a
list ofshows you have recorded
(My Shows).
Use Info to display the current
channel and program information.
Press Info while in the program
guide to display additional guide
Press Movies for “Thumbs Down.”
(Available only on DIRECTV
Press Sports for “Thumbs Up.”
(Available only on DIRECTV
Use these transport keys to control
the digital video recorder (DVR)
built into your DIRECTV DVR
or DIRECTV Receiver with
Ultimate TV.
Use (–)to separate main and
sub-channel numbers (e.g.,2-1).
Use SkipBack to replay a program
recorded by your digital
video recorder.
Use SkipFwd to advance a program
a program recorded by your
digital video recorder.