Phrase Sampler - The Phrase Sampler will allow you to record up to a 6 second phrase, overdub over the phrase, and then repeat them indefinitely. Operation of the Phrase Sampler is accomplished by using the Preset Footswitches and the Expression Pedal. Markings next to the Footswitches indicate the Phrase Sampler functions for each. When a Preset has been selected which has the Phrase Sampler selected in the Delay module, rocking the expression pedal from the toe up position to the toe down position will activate the Phrase Sampler functions. The Preset Footswitch LEDs will flash indicating that you are in Phrase Sample Mode. Begin the recording by pressing the Record (Preset 1) Footswitch. When you are finished recording the phrase, press the Stop (Preset 2) Footswitch which will automatically set the start and stop points for the Phrase. Record can then be pressed again to add layers on top of the previously recorded phrase. Pressing the Play (Preset 3) Footswitch will start the Sample from the beginning. The Expression Pedal will control the number of times that the phrase will repeat when assigned to delay regeneration. With the Expression Pedal in the toe up position, the phrase will repeat once. With the Expression Pedal in the toe down position, the phrase will repeat infinitely. In order to overdub one phrase on top of another, you must press the Record (Preset 1) Footswitch again after one phrase has been sampled (there must be some delay regeneration in order to overdub), and record the additional phrase. The Phrase can be stopped by pressing the Stop (Preset 2) Footswitch. Pressing the Stop footswitch after the phrase is already stopped, will erase the recorded phrase. Because the Phrase Sampler utilizes the Preset Footswitches for control, these switches will not change Presets after the Phrase Sampler has been activated. In order to exit the Phrase Sampler mode and select a new Preset, press the Bank Up or Bank Down footswitch, and then select the new Preset with the Preset Footswitches.


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DOD Bass30 manual