Creating a Preset
Suppose you want to create a Preset that has medium Compression, Classic Amp Modeling with Medium Gain and boosted highs and lows on the EQ, a low Threshold setting on the Noise Gate, a slow medium Chorus, no Delay, and a Hall Reverb. Let’s also suppose that you wanted the Expression Pedal to control a classic Wah. The steps outlined below will guide you through creating this Preset.
Step 1. Adjust the Compression - Press the Comp/Wah button. The LED next to Compressor will begin to flash, and the LEDs next to the Compression Parameters will light. The Display will show the current status of the Compressor. If the Display indicates that the Compressor is bypassed (two dashes --), rotate the Data Wheel until the Display shows co (indicating the compressor is active). Press the Parameters button once to access the Compression Parameters. The LED next to Crossover will blink indicating that the Compressors Crossover Parameter has been selected. Since we want a medium compression setting, rotate the Data Wheel to select the Crossover frequency of 25 which means that frequencies under 250 Hertz will be compressed, but all other frequencies will not. Press the Parameters button again and the LED next to Threshold will flash. Rotate the Data Wheel to select a Threshold value of about 20. Press the Parameters button again and the LED next to Ratio will flash. Rotate the Data Wheel again to select a ratio of 3.0 (3:1) which is a typical ratio for the bass guitar. Press the Parameter button one more time and the LED next to Gain will flash. Use the Data Wheel to match the compressors volume level to the level when the Preset is bypassed.