Effect Key: allows you to assign a different function to the Effect button on the remote to quickly and easily use the effect. Only one effect can be enabled at a time. Highlight an effect and press Select to choose a different one. The default effect is Freeze.
Blank: shows an empty screen.
Mute: turns off all sound.
Aspect Ratio: sets the ratio of the image width to image height.
Source: cycles through the available sources.
Auto Image: causes computer sources to be reacquired.
Freeze: pauses the projected image.
Zoom: lets you magnify a part of the screen. This feature only works if you purchase an optional remote control with mouse buttons and cur- sor control. To use the Zoom effect, press Effect, then press the left mouse button to zoom the image, press the right mouse decrease the magnification. You can use the cursor control to pan the image, display- ing different parts of it (only if the image is magnified). To return to the original size and cancel Zoom, press the Effect button a second time.
About: displays the About menu.
PiP: (Picture in Picture) allows you to overlay a smaller window show- ing the video source on top of the larger computer source window. You must have both a computer and video source connected to use PIP. You can’t show a computer image in the smaller PiP window, only a video image. You can select a small, medium, or large window. You can also move the PiP window on the screen using the PiP Position X and Y options in the menu. Press the up and down arrows to change the posi- tion.
Mask: allows you to cover part of the image with a black curtain. Press the up and down arrows to raise or lower the curtain on the image.
Effect Key
Picture in Picture