Rho 800 Presto
The world’s first continuous board printer
Production Time for 100 sheets
| Production time | ||
Continuous |
| =106 min |
| ||
Board Printing | 37“ | 60“/sheet 60“/sheet 60“/sheet |
| |||
Belt System | 37“ | 60“/sheet 37“ | 60“/sheet 37“ | 60“/sheet | =160 min | ||
Table System | 54“ | 60“/sheet 54“ | 60“/sheet 54“ | 60“/sheet =190 min |
| Loading/Unloading Time | Print Time | |
Production Efficiency for 100 sheets |
| |
| Time 100 % |
Continuous |
| |
Board Printing | 99,4 % |
| 0,6 % |
Belt System | 62,5 % |
| 37,5 % |
Table System | 52,6 % |
| 47,4 % |
| Print Time | Loading/Unloading Time |
The new Durst Rho 800 Presto represents a new generation of UV flatbed printers. Innovative improvements give the new Rho 800 Presto a production output in a class of its own amongst UV flatbed printers.
The combination of a compact, robust design with the facility for the continuous printing of any number of boards, without interruption, and an unrivalled print quality, provide a previously unattainable level of productivity and quality in industrial printing.
The Rho 800 Presto features the following benefits and innovations:
•Mechanism for continuous board feeding
•Mechanical front stops allow for printing boards alongside each other
•Perfect print registration on narrow boards printed across the full width
•Large print width (250 cm/8 ft.)
•Exceptional productivity, up to 120 boards/h (125 x 80 cm/4 x 2,6 ft.)
•Newly developed operating software for faster production
•Quadro® Array Technology combines the highest print speed with the finest quality
•Printing of white and light colours without loss of speed
•Highest reliability in the market allowing for 24/7 production
Users of the new Rho 800 Presto will appreciate many new or improved business opportunities. Print orders are completed more cost efficiently than previously, increased productivity provides extra capacity for additional business and, above all, increased levels of profit for your business are realized.