When displaying an entry, you also have the option to edit the deadline or the priority or to mark the task as completed.
7.9.4 Notes
If you would like to use this application for composing and sending notes, select Menu > Organizer > Notes. If there is no entry yet, you can create an entry by selecting Make a note. Otherwise, select Option > New note. Enter the note, and select Save.
You also have options for deleting and editing notes. While you edit a note, you can end Text editor without saving changes. You can send the note as a short message or a multimedia message or via IR to compatible units. If the note is too long to send as a short message, the telephone will ask you to delete the respective number of characters from the note.
7.9.5 Calculator
Using the calculator in your telephone, you can add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers, calculate percentages, figure square roots and convert currencies.
Note: This calculator has only a limited level of precision and is designed for simple calculations.
Select Menu > Organizer > Calculator. When “0 is displayed, enter the first number of the calculation. Press # to enter a decimal point. Select Option > Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Square, Square root or change sign. Enter the second number. To find the sum, select Sum. Repeate these entries as often as required. To start a new calculation, hold down Delete.
To calculate an exchange rate, select Menu > Organizer > Calculator. To save the exchange rate, select Option > Specify rate. Select one of the displayed options: Enter the exchange rate, press the # key to enter a decimal point, and select OK. The exchange rate will remain stored until you enter another rate. To carry out the currency conversion, enter the amount that is to be converted and then select Option > In my currency or In foreign currency.
Note: When you change the base currency, you must enter the new rates, since all previously specified exchange rates are set to zero.