User Manual
Tx 1024-Bytes:
Number of 1024-max_length-byte frames in good and bad packets
Rx CRC/Alig nment:
Number of Alignment errors and CRC error packets received.
Rx Undersize:
Number of short frames (<64 B ytes) with valid CRC.
Rx Oversize:
Number of long frames(accord ing to max_l ength register) wi th valid CRC.
Rx Fragments:
Number of short frames (< 64 byte s) with invalid CRC.
Rx Jabber:
Number of long frames(according tomax_length register) with invalid
Rx Drops:
Frames dropped due to the lack of receiving buffer.
Tx Collisio ns:
Number of collisions transmitting frames experienced.
Tx Drops:
Number of frames dropped due to excessive collision, late collision, or
frame aging.
Tx FIFO Drops:
Number of frames dropped due to the lack of transmitting buffer.
Fig. 4-23
Publi catio n dat e: Januar y, 2005
Revision A1