Priority Mode
There are three priority modes available to specify the priority of packets being serviced. Those include First-In-First-Out, All-High-Before-Low, and Weight-Round-Robin.
First-In-First-Out:Packets are placed into the queue and serviced in the order they were received.
All-High-Before-Low:The packets of low weight will be serviced after all of the packets of high weight are serviced.
Weight-Round-Robin:All queues are serviced round-robin: a packet from one queue, a packet from the next and so on. Similar to round-robin, WRR (Weight-Round-Robin) means packets are accessed round-robin style, but weight can be given priorities. For example, four packets from a high weight might be serviced, followed by two from a low weight.
Select the priority mode by click the radio button beside the mode name and click Update to have the configuration take effect.
Priority Mode interface