14 DIVAMobile User’s Guide
The following table lists the ISDN components currently available with the
DIVA Mobile:
The Setup Wizard allows you to enter a separate ISDN number for each
preconfigured ISDN modem. These numbers can be, for example, an MSN
with a DSS1 connection or the extension after a PBX.
Note: In addition to requiring a listing of the ISDN phone numbers,
switchtypes in the US and Canada may require a SPID number for each
phone number. Your telephone service provider can provide this information.
If you are traveling and need to use a different ISDN line, you may need to
reselect the Switchtype, ISDN phone numbers, and (in North America only)
SPID numbers. If you want to change any of the setup parameters in the
future, simply restart the setup wizard by clicking Start on the Windows 95
Taskbar, go to Programs/DIVA for Windows95 and select Setup Wizard.
Online Help is available for all parameters.
Option Function Supports
Eicon ISDN
channel 0 and 1 Channels of the WAN
Miniport driver for connec-
tions via the Windows 95
Dial-Up Network with
channel bundling
Remote access to company networks,
Internet, MSN, CompuServe and multi-
link PPP (MLPPP). This option is
automatically installed.
RNA Modem Logic modem for connec-
tions via the Windows 95
Dial-Up Network
Remote access to company networks,
Internet, MSN, CompuServe, special
X.75 Modem Logic modem for access to
ISDN mailboxes with X.75 ISDN mailboxes, NetMeeting
V.120 Modem Logic modem for access to
ISDN mailboxes with
Special case (some ISDN mailboxes)
and CompuServe ISDN
ISDN Port Virtual COM-Port for
applications directly
accessing the COM Port via
AT commands
All Win 3.x based applications such as
CAPI 2.0 Common ISDN API 2.0:
ISDN programming inter-
face used by many ISDN
ISDN-applications (RVS-COM etc.)