Getting Started 15
V.34 Modem Country SelectorAfter you reboot your system, you must use the Modem Country Selector to
specify the country where you are located. This will configure the DIVA
Mobile for the local phone system.
This country selector software is automatically installed during the DIVA
Mobile installation (a Country Selector Logo will appear in the Task Bar on
your Windows 95 screen).
To start the Country Selector, double-click on the Country Selector icon (on
the Task Bar). Alternatively you can go to Start, Programs, DIVA for
Windows 95, and then click the Country Selector menu option.
When the Country Selector dialog box appears, click the menu arrow; the
Country Selector displays a list of countries where the DIVA Mobile is
certified for use. Select the country where you are located.
Each time you reboot your notebook, a screen appears indicating the country
for which the V.34 modem has been configured.
You can change the country at any time (first you must close all applications
that use the V.34 modem).