34 DIVAMobile User’s Guide
AT Commands and Result CodesNote: The AT commands for the V.34 modem are standard modem
commands which are realised via the hardware of DIVA Mobile.
Factory default settings are stored in permanent memory. Italicized n or x
denotes options to be supplied by user or software.
Command Function Default
A Go off-hook and attempt to answer a call. —
BnModulation Standard for 0 - 1200 bps B1
DnDial telephone number —
EnTurn off command echo E1
HnOn/off-hook —
InIdentification commands —
MnSpeaker control M1
NnAutomode detection off/on N1
OnOn-line and retrain control —
P Pulse dial —
QnResult codes enable/disable Q0
Sn=xSet register n to decimal value x—
Sn? Get decimal value in register n—
T Tone (DTMF) dial —
VnResult codes format: verbose/terse V1
WnExtended result code format nW0
XnResult code reporting options X4
YnLong space disconnect Y0
ZnRecall stored profile n—
&CnCarrier detect control &C1
&DnDTR options &D2
&FnReturn all settings to factory default n—
&GnGuard tone disable/enable &G0
&KnFlow control settings &K3
&P0 Set pps pulse dial with 39%/61% make/break &P0
&QnConnection mode &Q5
&RnCTS control options &R1