18 Chapter2AdjustingScreens
●To adjust brightness
The screen brightness is adjusted by changi ng the brightness of the backlight (light source from t he LCD back
Adjustable range
0 to 100%
1. Press or .
The Brightness menu appears.
2. Use or for adjustment.
3. Press t o exit the adjustment.
• If you feel that the im age is too bright even if the brightne ss is set to 0% or that the image is too da rk even if the
brightness is set to 100%, adjust the cont rast.
• Alter natively, you can use <Brightness> under <Color> in th e Adjustment menu to adjust it.
●To adjust contrast
The brightness of the screen is adjusted by vary ing the video signal level.
Adjustable range
0 to 100%
1. Choose <Color> from the Adjust ment menu, and press .
2. Choose <Contra st> from the <Color> menu, and press .
The <Contrast> menu appear s.
3. Use or for adjustment.
4. Press t o exit the adjustment.
• In the cont rast of 50%, every color gradation is d isplayed.
• When adjus ting the monitor, it is recommended to p erform the brightness adju stment which may not lose the gradat ion
characteristics, prior to the c ontrast adjustment.
• Perform the c ontrast adjustment in the followi ng cases.
-When you feel the image is too dark even if the br ightness is set to 100% (Set the contrast to hig her than 50%.)
-When you feel the image is too bright even if the br ightness is set to 0% (Set the contrast to lower t han 50%.)