This technology enhances res ponse speed by increasing the potential dif ference at the time of motion of
liquid-crystal pixels, and it is used for liquid- crystal TV sets and others in gener al. It provides clear-cut
three-dimensional display with little af terimage, by improving response speed of the intermed iate graduation
range that frequently appears in movi ng images.
Phase means the sampling timi ng to convert the analog input signal to a digital signal. Phase adjus tment is
made to adjust the timing. It is recomme nded that phase adjustment be made after the clock is adjuste d
Range Adjustment
Range adjustment controls the signal output levels to display ever y color gradation. It is recommended that
range adjustment be made before color adjustment.
The LCD panel consists of numerous pixels of specied size, which are il luminated to form images. This
monitor consists of horizontal 1920 pixels and 1080 vertical pixels. At a resolution of 1920 × 1080, all pixels
are illuminated as a fu ll screen (1:1).
sRGB (Standard RGB)
International standa rd for color reproduction and color space among peripheral devices (such as monitors,
printers, digital camera s, scanners). As a form of simple color matching for the Internet, colors can be
displayed using tones close to those of the transmission and re ception devices.
Color temperature is a method to measu re the white color tone, generally indicated in degrees Kelvin. T he
screen becomes reddish at a low temperatu re, and bluish at a high temperature, like the a me temperature.
5000 K: Slightly reddish white
6500 K: White referred to as daylight-balanced color
9300 K: Slightly bluish white
TMDS (Transition Minimized Differential Signaling)
A signal transmission system for digital i nterface.
VESA DPM (Video Electronics Standards Association - Display Power
VESA specications achieve increased energ y efciency for computer monitors. This involves
standardization of signals sent fr om the computer (graphics board).
DPM denes the status of signals transm itted between the computer and monitor.