The USBscope50 is a digital storage oscilloscope that has the following features:
•Single channel scope with BNC input and USB PC interface
•Each USBscope50 can be stacked to increase channel count (each requires its own USB connection)1
•300V Cat II isolation between BNC ground and USB ground2
•50MSample/sec single shot sample rate
•1GSample/sec equivalent sample rate3
•Timebase from 4ns/div to 4s/div in 1,2,4 steps
•75MHz 3dB analogue bandwidth4
•3000 sample points,
•Pre and post triggering, and trigger delay5
•AC and DC coupling
•Input sensitivities with x1 probe are 30mV/div, 300mV/div, 3V/div and with x10 probe are 300mV/div, 3V/div, 30V/div
•1Meg input impedance, 16pF
•Channel offset control
•Auto and Normal hardware triggering with >, <, +, – modes
•Host powered from USB (200mA typ)
•Stacked configurations of 2,3 and 4 channels are supported
•Stacked configurations allow any channel to be trigger channel
•Stacked configurations have tight phase locking between channels
•Probe compensation output, 3V 1KHz
•Power/activity LED
1A stacking connector kit is required
2In stacked configurations the channels share a common ground at the BNC terminals
3Suitable to measure repetitive signals that are not phase locked with the internal acquisition clock
4Hardware trigger bandwidth is approximately 60MHz
5Only in
Elan Digital Systems Ltd. | 5 | USBscope50 USER’S GUIDE Iss5 |