2.3.3 USB Connections For Stacked Configurations
All stacked scopes need a USB connection. A standard hub may be useful for
Each scope needs about 200mA. Plugging more than 2 scopes into a hub will mean that the hub may need to be powered externally. Please refer to the hub’s documentation for more details about the power available per port.
2.3.4 Software For Stacked Configurations
When you run USBscope50, it will automatically detect the scopes connected via USB and will also check to see if the scopes are electrically connected together via the stack. It will then initialise all connected scopes, one at a time. This may take a few seconds.
If you stack several scopes but forget to connect say one of the scopes to a USB port, the software will warn you and will not run.
The software will display a channel “tab” for each scope in use.
The channel number allocated to each scope depends on its serial number, so the order you stacked them will almost certainly NOT be the same as the channel order allocated by software.
To find out which scope is Channel 1, use the CH1 tab and click the “id” button.
The LED on that scope will blink rapidly for about 4 seconds, or until you click the button again.
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