Design Beam 300™
©Elation Professional, Los Angeles Ca. 28
8.4.1 Status setting
Address via DMX - This function allows the DMX address to remotely be adjusted
from a DMX console. This setting requires special settings for both the controller and
the fixture. RDMX is on by default. For operational instructions please see Section
9/Page 33 of this manual “Remote DMX addressing.”
No DMX Status – This function dictates how the fixture will function if it looses DMX
signal during normal operation. The default function is set to hold, in which the
fixture will lock into the last DMX signal it received and remain in that position until it
is turned off or begins receiving a new DMX signal. If the fixture is turned on
without any DMX signal, the fixture will automatically go in to sound-active mode.
Available settings are: “Close” – Shutter flags will close. “Hold” – Fixture will remain
at it’s last settings. “Auto” – Fixture will go into stand-alone mode, running the built-in
program. “Music” – The fixture will go into sound-active mode.
Pan Reverse - This function allows you to invert all pan movements. Use the Up
and Down buttons to turn this function On or Off. Press the Enter button to accept
the change or the Mode button to cancel and return to the main menu. This function
is “OFF” by default.
Tilt Reverse - This function allows you to invert all tilt movements. Use the Up and
Down buttons to turn this function On or Off. Press the Enter button to accept the
change or the Mode button to cancel and return to the main menu. This function is
“OFF” by default.
Pan Degree – This function changes the maximum Pan resolution from either 540˚
or 630˚. The default function is 540˚. 630˚ operation allows for greater coverage, but
slower pan movement.
Feedback – This function turns the feedback correction on or off. This function is set