Design Spot 575E™
©Elation Professional® 37
Design Spot 575E™
110-129 Gobo 3 shake slow to fast
130-149 Gobo 4 shake slow to fast
150-169 Gobo 5 shake slow to fast
170-189 Gobo 6 shake slow to fast
190-255 Gobo Wheel Scroll – Continuous rotation slow to fast
Channel 10 – Gobo Wheel 1- Indexing, rotation:
0-127 Gobo indexing
128-187 Forwards gobo rotation from fast to slow
188-193 No rotation
194-255 Backwards gobo rotation from slow to fast
Channel 11 – Gobo Wheel 2 – Rotating gobos:
0-9 Open
10-19 Gobo 1
20-29 Gobo 2
30-39 Gobo 3
40-49 Gobo 4
50-59 Gobo 5
60-69 Gobo 6
70-89 Gobo 1 shake slow to fast
90-109 Gobo 2 shake slow to fast
110-129 Gobo 3 shake slow to fast
130-149 Gobo 4 shake slow to fast
150-169 Gobo 5 shake slow to fast
170-189 Gobo 6 shake slow to fast
190-255 Gobo Wheel Scroll – Continuous rotation slow to fast
Channel 12 - Rotating gobo index, rotating gobo rotation:
0-127 Gobo indexing
128-187 Forwards gobo rotation from fast to slow
188-193 No rotation
194-255 Backwards gobo rotation from slow to fast
Channel 13 - 3 facet rotating prism, Prism / Gobo macros:
0-3 Open
4-63 Clockwise rotation from fast to slow
64-67 No rotation
68-127 Counter-Clockwise rotation from slow to fast
128-135 Macro 1
136-143 Macro 2