electrolux safety information 5
Risk of Fire!
så 4HISåAPPLIANCEåISåHEAVYå#AREåSHOULDåBEå taken when moving it.
så 7HENåUNPACKINGåTHEåAPPLIANCEåCHECKåTHATå it is not damaged. If in doubt, do not use it and contact the Service Centre.
så !LLåPACKINGåANDåTRANSITåBOLTSåMUSTåBEå removed before use. Serious damage can occur to the product and to property if this is not adhered to. See relevant section in the user manual.
så 4HEålNALåPARTåOFåAåTUMBLEåDRYERåCYCLEåOCCURSå without heat (cool down cycle) so that the items are left at a temperature which ensures they will not be damaged.
så !NYåELECTRICALåWORKåREQUIREDåTOåINSTALLåTHISå appliance should be carried out by a qualified electrician or competent person.
så #AREåMUSTåBEåTAKENåTOåENSUREåTHATåTHEå appliance does not stand on the electrical supply cable.
så !FTERåHAVINGåINSTALLEDåTHEåAPPLIANCEå check that it is not pressing or standing on its electrical supply cable.
så )FåTHEåTUMBLEåDRYERåISåPLACEDåONåTOPåOFåAå washing machine, it is compulsory to use the stacking kit (optional accessory).
så 4HISåAPPLIANCEåISåDESIGNEDåFORåDOMESTICåUSEå It must not be used for purposes other than those for which it was designed.
så /NLYåDRYåFABRICSåWHICHåAREåDESIGNEDåTOåBEå machine dried. Follow the instructions on each garment label.
relevant section in the user manual.
så #LOTHESåWHICHåAREåDRIPPINGåWETåSHOULDåNOTå be placed in the dryer.
så 'ARMENTSåWHICHåHAVEåBEENåINåCONTACTåWITHå volatile petroleum products should not be machine dried. If volatile cleaning fluids are used, care should be taken to ensure that
the fluid is removed from the garment before placing in the machine.
så å.EVERåPULLåTHEåPOWERåSUPPLYåCABLEåTOåREMOVEå the plug from the socket; always take hold of the plug itself.
så .å EVERåUSEåTHEåTUMBLEåDRYERåIFåTHEåPOWERå supply cable, the control panel, the working surface or the base are damaged so that the inside of the tumble dryer is accessible.
så &ABRICåSOFTENERSåORåSIMILARåPRODUCTSå should be used as specified by the fabric softener instructions.
så !LWAYSåCLEANåTHEåLINTålLTERåBEFOREåEACHåUSEå Do not operate the dryer without checking the filter is clean.
Child safety
så 4HISåMACHINEåISåNOTåINTENDEDåFORåUSEåBYåYOUNGå children or infirm persons without supervision. så #HILDRENåSHOULDåBEåSUPERVISEDåTOåENSUREåTHATå
they do not play with the appliance.
så 4HEåPACKAGINGåCOMPONENTSåEGåPLASTICålLMå polystyrene) can be dangerous to children
–danger of suffocation! Keep them out of children’s reach.
så +EEPåALLåDETERGENTSåINåAåSAFEåPLACEåOUTå of children’s reach.