electrolux water aid washing machine operating your washing machine 7
Operating your washing machine
Starting your washing machine
1.Turn on the taps
2.Close the lid
3.Press the Power button
Power button
The machine will ‘beep” twice, briefly display a number in the digital display and then it is ready for you to select the wash program settings.
Please wait for this to happen before attempting to operate the machine.
If the displayed settings are what you want to use then press Start/Pause to start the wash program.
To select a different program or change other settings, read the following instructions.
NOTE: On powering up the machine, and also after a wash has finished in preparation for the next wash, the water level defaults to auto sensing and rinse defaults to Eco. (If your last wash was a Drip dry / Deep rinse program, then rinse will stay at deep).
Choosing your own wash program settings
wash is in progress or when the machine is paused. 7HENåRUNNINGåTHEREåWILLåBEåAåSHORTåDELAYåOFååSECONDSå
before a change to settings takes effect. This is to allow you time to complete your desired changes.
så )FåYOUåMAKEåAåCHANGEåTOåSETTINGSåDURINGåAåWASHåTHEå progress of the wash may not continue exactly from
where it was in the program before the change.
så 7HENåYOUåTRYåTOåMAKEåAåCHANGEåTOåSETTINGSåANDåTHEå selection you make is unavailable at the time, you will hear a long ‘error beep’.
Program button
Press the Program button until the light indicates the program you want to use. Each press of the Program button changes
the wash program to the next program. 7HENåYOUåCHOOSEåTHEå7OOLåPROGRAMåTHEå
Deep rinse option is automatically selected
for you. You cannot select Eco rinse with THEå7OOLåWASHåPROGRAM
Water Aid recirculation system active programs
Your machine is programmed with the recirculation system active in most wash and deep rinse stages of the various wash programs. The following table shows when the
recirculation is active during wash and deep rinse, for the DIFFERENTåSETTINGSåOFå7ASHå0ROGRAMåANDå$IRTå,EVEL
Is the recirculation system active?
Dirt Level | Light | Medium | Heavy | |||
| 7ASH | Deep | 7ASH | Deep | 7ASH | Deep |
Wash Program |
| Rinse |
| Rinse |
| Rinse |
| |
Intensive | No | No | No | No | No | No |
Normal / Heavy | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | No |
Normal | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
7OOL | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Delicate | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
NOTE: Eco Rinse
With most programs you have an option of selecting an Eco Rinse, in which case the Deep Rinse column of the table above is not relevant. Recirculation is not active during Eco Rinse.
Wash program guide
Wash program | Recommended | Recommended | Using the program |
(Program button) | dirt level | temp. wash water |
Intensive | Heavy | (OTåORå7ARM | Select this program for a heavily soiled cotton wash |
*(includes 6 minute soak) |
| load. |
Normal/Heavy | Medium | (OTåORå7ARM | Select this program for a full load of normally soiled |
| cottons. |
Normal | Medium | (OTå7ARMåORå#OLD | Select this program for an average domestic load of |
| mixed fabrics. |
Wool | Medium or Light | 7ARM | Select this program for woollen clothes. Only wash |
| woollens labelled ‘machine washable’. |
Delicate | Light | 7ARM | Select this program for lingerie, lace trimmed and |
| embroidered items. |
*Intensive has a