2new water saving technology electrolux water aid washing machine

New water saving technology

This washing machine features many wash program options allowing you to select exactly the right combination for each wash load to clean and care for your clothes.

Additionally, when you choose to use Eco rinse with the new TECHNOLOGYå7ATERå!IDåRECIRCULATIONåSYSTEMåINåTHISåWASHINGå

machine, considerable water savings can be made. 7EåTELLåYOUåMOREåABOUTåTHEåNEWåTECHNOLOGY åHOWåITåWORKSå

and the amount of water saved on following pages.

environmental tip

så 4HISåWASHERåISåENERGYåEFlCIENTåANDåMOSTåWATERåEFlCIENTå when used with a full load of clothes and with Eco rinse


så 4HEålRSTåTIMEåYOUåSWITCHåONåYOURåNEWåMACHINE å%COå rinse is selected for you to help you save money and to reduce the impact on the environment. You can select Deep Rinse for your first wash load if you wish.

If you have previously used a top load agitator type washer, you need to know that your new washer works differently. This washer uses much less water per load of washing and does it through two new technologies.

1.Water Aid Recirculation system – In most wash and deep rinses the recirculation system is active and a recirculation pump runs to keep water at a low level in the outer bowl, and at a correct level in the washbowl.

Water Aid recirculation saves 33% of wash and deep rinse water.

However, to give better wash results for some types of loads, soil levels and detergent combinations, some programs do not have the recirculation system active in the wash stage, and some programs do not have the

recirculation system active in both the wash and deep


Savings in water usage are realised whatever your load

SIZEå,OADåSENSINGåCOUPLEDåWITHåTHEå7ATERå!IDå3YSTEMå ensures that only the correct amount of water required is used. The machine senses the load size and adjusts the amount of water required while continuing to keep water at a low level in the outer bowl.

2.Eco rinse is available as the preferred rinsing option. It is done by spraying water on the clothes, spinning the water out and repeating this sequence four more times.

Deep rinse is available but the clothes are fully submerged in rinse water before draining and final spin. Eco and deep are both effective at removing detergent. In this washer, Eco rinse saves 75% of the deep rinse water used in a traditional top load agitator machine and is not designed for use with fabric conditioner.

environmental tip

#HOOSINGåPROGRAMåSETTINGSåINåWHICHåTHEå7ATERå!IDå recirculation system is active (see table on page 7), and choosing an Eco rinse, will use less than half the water of traditional top load washing machines.

How does the Water Aid recirculation system work? 7HENåPROGRAMåSETTINGSåACTIVATEåTHEåRECIRCULATIONåSYSTEM åITå

works as follows. Excess water in the outer bowl is pumped INTOåTHEåINNERåWASHBOWLåTHROUGHåAåNEWLYåDEVELOPEDå7ATERå

Aid recirculation system.

Control of the water flow from the inner washbowl to the outer bowl has been achieved through the redesign of the


whatever the load size by utilising water in the outer bowl.

Water Aid recirculation system (Patent Pending)

After your washing machine has filled with water for your WASH åTHEå7ATERå!IDåRECIRCULATIONåPUMPåWILLåBEGINåTOåDRAWå

down water from the outer bowl and pump it into the inner washbowl.

4HEå7ATERå!IDåRECIRCULATIONåPUMPåCYCLESåONåANDåOFF åWORKINGå for 100 seconds then resting for 5 seconds. This maintains the correct level of water in the washbowl while keeping the

water in the outer bowl to a minimum. 4HEåSTOPåANDåGOåmOWåOFåTHEå7ATERå!IDåRECIRCULATIONåPUMPå

also effectively keeps the pump free and clear of lint.

9OUåWILLåHEARåTHEå7ATERå!IDåRECIRCULATIONåPUMPåSWITCHINGåONå and off during wash and deep rinse, if selected.

The water level may appear to be too low for your wash, BUTåASåTHEå7ATERå!IDåRECIRCULATIONåPUMPåDRAWSåWATERåFROMå

the outer bowl the water level will increase in the inner washbowl to the correct height for your wash.

Inner washbowl design

The design of the inner washbowl is the most apparent change to your washing machine.

slot-shaped drain hole

Gone are the hundreds of drain holes normally seen in the washbowl. These have been replaced with a few slot shaped holes inside teardrop shaped indentations arranged evenly around the washbowl wall. The number and design of the drain holes control the flow of water from the washbowl to the outer bowl.

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Electrolux EWT606 New water saving technology, Water Aid recirculation system Patent Pending, Inner washbowl design