10operating your washing machine electrolux water aid washing machine
Operating your washing machine
Progress of your wash program
The wash progress indicator gives you information about the progress and status of your wash program.
During a wash, the program stage will be highlighted in the wash progress indicator as it takes place. For example,
when you start your wash by pressing Start/Pause, the first STAGEå@7ASHåWILLåBEåHIGHLIGHTED
7HENåTHEåPROGRAMåMOVESåONTOåTHEåRINSEåSTAGEå@7ASHåWILLå no longer be highlighted, and either Deep rinse or Eco rinse
will be highlighted, whichever is selected. 7HENåYOUåPRESSå3TART0AUSEåDURINGåAåWASHåAåmASHINGå
progress indicator tells you where the wash is in the program and remaining stages will be highlighted but not flashing.
In the following illustration, the machine is paused in the @7ASHåSTAGEåLIGHTåmASHING å@%COåRINSEåANDå@3PINåAREå
highlighted to show these stages will follow the wash stage when it is completed.
NOTE: A flashing progress indicator light indicates your machine is paused. When ‘End’ is highlighted your wash has finished.
Digital display codes
Displayed code Beeping
15 very fast ‘beeps’ every 4 minutes.
5 very fast ‘beeps’ every 4 minutes.
3 slow ‘beeps’ every 4 minutes. (No ‘beeps’ if end of program beep is switched off, see page 12).
Other codes | Accompanied by many ‘beeps’. |
Advance button
Press the Advance button to advance the wash program to the next stage as shown in the progress indicator.
Advance button
Digital display
The digital display will show the time in minutes (or hours and minutes) to complete a wash program.
This time does not include time the washing machine will take to fill with water.
The digital display also shows information codes, in some CASESåACCOMPANIEDåBYå@"EEPINGå3EEåTABLEåBELOW
Information the display is giving you and what to do to continue
Indicates the machine has gone out of balance during spin. Open lid, redistribute load and close lid.
Lid is in the open position. Close the lid.
The machine has reached the end of the Drip Dry program. Open lid, remove clothes and close lid.
Your machine is Soaking.
The machine has paused to allow motor controller to cool. 7AITåANDåAFTERåAåSHORTåDELAYåTHEåWASHåWILLåCONTINUE
You are in the Favourite wash programming mode.
Press Favourite to save displayed settings as a favourite wash or press Start/Pause to exit and not save settings.
The machine is set for Delay start.
The machine is in auto sensing water level test mode 7AITåANDåAFTERåAåSHORTåDELAYåTHEåWASHåWILLåCONTINUE
The machine is informing you of a fault with the washing machine which you need to address. Refer to pages