electrolux water aid washing machine preparing for your wash 5
Preparing for your wash
Sort your washing into separate wash loads
Each load of washing should contain clothing which needs the same washing conditions. For example, you should not wash delicate clothes with very dirty work clothes. Colour fast and
Lint collectors | Lint producers |
Corduroy | Towels |
Synthetics | Nappies |
Permanent press fabrics | Chenille/Candlewick |
såå $ONTåUSEåTOOåMUCHåDETERGENTå4HISåWILLåGIVEåYOUåTOOå many suds causing low spin speeds, poor rinsing and overloading the motor during spin stages of the wash program.
så $ONTåUSEåTOOåLITTLEåDETERGENTåBECAUSEåYOUåWILLåGETåAåPOORå wash. If you think you need more, increase dosages by
only small amounts to avoid excessive suds.
Do not spill fabric softener on the clothes as it may stain them.
tips and information
Make sure that you wash lint collectors separately from lint producers.
Check your clothes to avoid damage
snagging clothes.
så 7ASHåBRASåPANTYHOSEåANDåOTHERåDELICATESåINåAåMESHå laundry bag, which you can purchase from your supermarket.
that the dispenser is set for the type of detergent you will use. To do this, proceed as follows:
1.Pull the dispenser drawer forward until it stops.
2.Lift the front of the drawer up and forward to remove it from the runners.
3.Check the position of the flap at the rear of the detergent compartment in the dispenser drawer. (Factory setting is flap up for powder.)
clip flap up for powder
Pre-treatment sprays and stain removers
plastic components on your washing machine.
apply them to the clothing well away from your washing machine.
Load the washing machine
are four things to remember:
best results load small items first, followed by large items. så #LOTHESåMUSTåNOTåBEåWRAPPEDåAROUNDåTHEåAGITATOR
must be able to move around during washing.
så 4HEåLOADåSHOULDåCONTAINåONLYåTHREEåORåFOURåLARGEåITEMSå for example, sheets. The rest of the load should be small items. A mixed load of large and small items will wash cleaner than a load of all large items.
Detergent and fabric softener use
så åDon’t use the wrong type of detergent. You must use a low sudsing detergent designed for front load washing machines or high efficiency top loaders, such as Cold Power for Front Loaders and High
Efficiency Top Loaders or detergents labelled “Matic”. så $ONTåUSEåSOAPBASEDåPRODUCTSåINåYOURåWASHINGåMACHINE
4. Clip the flap down if you are going to use liquid detergent.
clip flap down for liquid
5.Refit the dispenser back into its runners.
Remember: If you change the type of detergent you use, the position of the flap will need changing. See above.
6.You are now ready to add detergent. You are now ready to add detergent. Measure the amount you will use and pour it into the detergent compartment of the dispenser drawer.
add detergent 
7HENåUSINGåLIQUIDåDETERGENTåSOMEåMAYåLEAKåOUTåOFåTHEå dispenser into the wash load earlier than expected through small openings in the back of the dispenser. These openings are to help the flushing out of detergent.
7.If you want to use fabric softener, see ‘Add fabric softener’.
8.Close the drawer by pushing it backwards into the top panel of the washing machine when you have finished adding detergent and softener.