Information You Need To Know
nuts, seeds,
fruits &
• Puncture egg yolks before cooking to
prevent “explosion”.
• Pierc e s kins of po tatoe s, apple s,
squash, hot dog s and sausages so
that steam escapes.
• Cook eggs in shells.
• Reheat whole eggs.
• Dry nuts or seeds in shells.
Popcorn • Use specially bagged popcorn for the
microwave oven.
Listen while popping corn for the pop-
ping to slow to 1 or 2 s econds or use
special POPCORN pad.
Use a NordicWare® two-sided bacon/
meat grill (grill side) made from heavy
weigh t t hermo set pol yester w hen
popping bagged microwave popcorn.
• Pop popcorn in regular brown bags or
glass bowls.
• Exceed ma ximum time on p opcorn
Baby food • Transfer baby food to small dish and
heat c arefully, stirring often. Check
temperature before serving.
• Put nipples on bottles after heating and
shake thoroughly. “ Wrist” test before
• Heat disposable bottles.
• Heat bottles with nipples on.
• Heat baby food in original jars.
General Cut baked good s wi th filling af ter
heating to release steam and avoid
• St ir liqu ids bri skly b efore and after
heating to avoid “eruption”.
• Use deep bowl, when cookin g liquids
or cereals, to prevent boilovers.
• Heat or cook in closed glass jars or
air tight containers.
• Ca n in the microw ave as harm ful
bacteria may not be destroyed.
• Deep fat fr y.
• D ry wood, go urds, he rbs or wet
Children should be taught all safety precautions:
use potholders, remove coverings c arefully, pay
special atte ntion to packages tha t cr isp food
because they may be extra hot.
Don’t assume that because a child has mastered
one cooking skill he/she can cook everythi ng.
Children need to learn that the microwave oven is
not a toy. See page 34 for Child Lock feature.
Children below the age of 7 should use the high
speed oven with a supervising person very near to
them. Between the ages of 7 and 12, the supervis-
ing pe 󺜁󼜁%Phould be nthe sae roo󵜡