Sensor Cook
There are 5 foods (frozen entrees, ground meat,
rice, flash/seafood, and chicken bre ast) under the
SENSOR COOK that uses the sensor.
You can cook many foods by touching the sensor
cook pad and the food number. You don’t need to
calculate cooking time or power level.
<Frozen Entrees , Ground Meat, Rice,
Fish/Seafood, C hicken Breast>
• Suppose you want to cook Frozen Entrees.
Step Touch
1. Touc h the sensor
cook pad, number 1
for Frozen Entrees.


2. At end, follow th e directions in the display.
3. Touch the START add
30 sec pad.

add 30 sec

SENSOR MODES has 6 functions, such as Sensor
Cook, popcorn, fresh veggies, frozen veggies, baked
potato and sensor reheat.
1. SENSOR MODES can be programmed with
More or Less Time Adjustment. Touch the
power level pad once or twice before cook-
ing is started. See page 28.
2. Eac h food has a cooking hint. Touch the user
pref pad when the HELP indicator is lighted
in the display.
3. Should you attempt to en ter more or less
than the allowed amount, an error message
will appear in the display.
More or less than the quantity listed on
the chart should be cooked following the
guidelines in any microwave cookbook.
4. The final cooking result will vary according
to the food condition (e.g. initial temperature,
shape, quality). Check food for temperatu re
after cooking. If additional time is needed,
continue to cook manually.
5. When se nsor detects the vapor emitted from
the foods, manipulation message or remain-
ing cooking time will be displayed.
6. Sta y ne ar t he oven wh ile it’ s in use an d ch eck
cooking progress frequently so that there is
no chance of overcooking food.