Food Amount Procedure
1. Fro zen
Breakfast*3 -6 oz
85 - 170 g
This setting wor ks well for frozen bre akfast entre es, pancakes, waf fles,
burritos etc. Follow manufacturer’s directions for how to prepare for
microwaving. Allow to stand 1 or 2 minutes after cooking.
2. Scrambl ed
1 - 8 eggs
For each egg, use 1 teaspoon of butter or margar ine and 1 tablespoon of
milk. Place butter or margarine in dish, measuring cup or cas serole large
enough for the egg to expand. Mix egg and milk together. Pour on to butter
or margarine in dish. Cover with wax paper. Place in oven and program.
Touch number 2 to increase quantity and touch the START add 30 sec pad.
When oven stops, stir egg mixture moving the cooked portion to the center
of the dish, uncooked portion to the outside, close the door and touc h the
START add 30 sec pad. After cooking, stir and let sta nd, covered, until set.
Note that eggs will be slightly undercooked when removed from the oven.
3. Hot Cereal 1- 6 servings
Use ind ividua l packe ts or bul k cerea l in you r favori te varie ty: oa tmeal, o at
bra n, c re am o f wh ea t, f ari na or w hea ten a. Fol low pac ka ge d ire ct ion s f or t he
correct amount of wate r or milk. To prev ent boilover s, it is ver y importa nt
to choose a large container because microwave cooking of cereal causes
high boiling. Touch number 3 to increase quantity and touch the START
add 30 sec pad. When oven stops, stir and touch the START add 30 sec
pad. After cooking, stir and let stand, covered, for 2 minutes.
4. Soup 1 - 8 cups Place in bowl or casserole. Cover with lid or plastic wrap. Touch number
4 to increase quantity and touch the START add 30 sec pad. At end,
stir, recover and let stand 1 to 3 minutes.
* It is not necessary to enter amount or number.
AUTO MODES has 6 functions, such as auto cook, keep
warm, melt/soften, snacks, auto reheat and auto defrost.
AUTO MODES except keep warm can be pro-
grammed with More or Less Time Adjustment.
Touch the power level pad once or twice
before cooking is started. See page 28.
2. Each food has a cooking hint. Touch the user
pref pad when the HELP indicator is lighted
in the display for a helpful hint.
Auto Cook
Auto cook is divided into 2 parts, Quick Meal (frozen
breakfast, scrambled eggs, hot cerea l, soup) and
Dinner Recipes (Chicken and Rice, Meat Loaf, Roast
Pork, Seafood Pasta, Vegetarian Medley).
<Quick Meal>
• Suppos e you want to cook hot cereal for 1 serv-
ing with Less Time Adjustment.
Step Touch
1. Tou ch t he auto cook
pad, number 3 for hot
2. Repeat touching same
number pad at Step 1
to increase quantity.
Ex: 1 serving.
3. Touch the power level
pad twice for Less Time


4. Touch the START add
30 sec pad.

add 30 sec

Midway through the cooking, cooking stop melody will
be heard and your oven will stop. Open the door, follow
the instruction shown in the display and close the door.
6. Touch the START add
30 sec pad to
continue cooking.

add 30 sec

1. Skip Ste p 3, whe n More or Les s Time Adjus t-
ment is not needed.
2. Frozen breakfast is not needed to enter
amount or number. Skip Step 2.
If mute is set, the melody will not be heard at Step
5. See 2, Audible Signal Elimination on page 27.
Auto Cook chart