Feature Details
Resolver format Sine/Cosine
Input resistance Differential 2.49 KΩ
Resolution Programmable: 10 ~ 15 bits
Maximum electrical frequency (RPS) 512 revolutions/sec
Resolver transfer ratio 0.5
Reference frequency 1/Ts (Ts = sample time in seconds)
Reference voltage Supplied by the Whistle
Reference current Up to ±50 mA
A.6.6 Tachometer* Feature Details
Tachometer format Differential
Maximum operating differential
voltage for TAC1+, TAC1-
+/- 20V
Maximum absolute differential input
voltage for TAC1+, TAC1-
Maximum operating differential
voltage for TAC2+, TAC2-
+/- 50V
Maximum absolute differential input
voltage for TAC2+, TAC2-
+/- 60V
Input resistance for TAC1+, TAC1- 46 KΩ
Input resistance for TAC2+, TAC2- 100 KΩ
Resolution 14 bit
* Only one Tachometer port can be used at a time (either TAC1+/TAC1- or TAC2+/TAC2-).
TAC1+/TAC1- is used in applications with having a Tachometer of less than 20V.
TAC2+/TAC2- is used in applications with having a Tachometer of between 20V and 50V.
Duo Installation Guide
MAN-DUOIG (Ver. 1.0)