Elo TouchSystems 1525L manual Field Type, Example, Description

Models: 1525L

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Section 4. Magnetic Card Data Parsing







Field Type







A literal is placed in the string as is and is





used to determine if a particular format





should be applied and to mark the end of a





variable-length field.



Non-ASCII literal

\r, \n, \\, \xhh

Specify an escape character or non-ASCII










\r is converted to <CR>





\n is converted to <LF>





\\ is converted to \





\xhh is converted to a character with





ASCII value hh (always two hex













Optional choice


The field specifies a choice where the data




can be either a literal or a property field.





There may be any number of literals





specified but there may not be more than





1 property field, for example





(=<country_code[3]>). If the character is





a ‘=’, skip it; otherwise store the next





three characters into a property named








Optional field


Specifies an optional sequence that may





or may not be present in the data. x may





be one or more literal fields, property





fields, or optional choice fields.



Optional track


The data parser will not enforce that the





track be present in the data when





attempting to match the data to the





template or rule. x must be a literal field





or an optional choice field containing a





literal. y may be any sequence of fields





except for another optional track field.


There can be more than one rule specified for a particular format template. The rules should be placed in a single string enclosed in curly braces (i.e., ‘{’ and ‘}’) and delimited with commas ‘,’. When the driver applies rules for a particular template, it sequentially attempts to apply each rule in the order it is provided in the fmtx_rules string. For example: “{rule 1},{rule 2},{rule 3}” would cause the driver to first try to apply rule 1. If the incoming data did not match rule 1, the driver attempts to apply rule 2 followed by rule 3 if rule 2 fails. If no rules can be applied, the driver attempts to match the incoming data to the next template.


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Elo TouchSystems 1525L manual Field Type, Example, Description