shorts, 2-29
Electrical Specification s, 2500S serial controll er, B-64
Electrical Specification s, IntelliTouch Touchscr eens, B-62
electronic-grade adhesi ve , 2-3 0
Electrostatic Protection, IntelliTouch Touchscreens,B-63
Elo Touchscreen Kit, 2-6
Environmental Specifications, 2500S serial controller,B-
Environmental Specificatio ns, IntelliTouch
Touchscreens, B-62
ESD, 2500S serial contro ller, B-64
Expected Life Performance, IntelliTouch
Touchscreens, B-62
External Serial Controller, 2-25
eye protection, 2-29
Ffailure to reconnect cables,2-30
FCC approval,2-30
FCC Compliance,B-63
Fire Retardation, B-63
Flammability, 2500S seri al controller,B-64
GGetting Started, 2-6
Gloss, IntelliTouch Touchscreens,B-62
CRT,2-3 0
grounding for controller,2-28
HHardware Troubleshootin g,A -51
Humidity, 2500S serial c ontroller, B-64
IIC1 Cable,A-57
Incoming Inspection, 2-11
installation kit, touchsc reen, 2-20
Installing the Controll er,2-2 1, 2-42
IntelliTouch 10-Year Warra nty, iii
IntelliTouch 2500S Ser ial Controller, B-71
IntelliTouch 2500U USB C ontroller,B-64
IntelliTouch Controller, 1-3
IntelliTouch Serial Controller (2500S), A-59
IntelliTouch Serial Controll er s , A-58
IntelliTouch Technology , 1-1
IntelliTouch Touchscree ns , 1-2 , B-62
Interface, 2500S serial c ontroller,B-64
degaussing coil and touchsc ree n,2- 1 6
fit, 2-20
Intermittent touch data, A-52
Internal Serial Control ler (2500S),2-22, 2-42
Internal USB Controller (2500U), 2-27, 2-43
inversion of coordinates,2-16
JJumper Locations and fu nction if installed, B-75
Jumper Settings, B-75
Kkitstouchscreen mounting,2-20
LLCD Integration, 2-32
lead, anode, 2-30
LED Diagnostic Characteristics,B-68, B-75
Light Transmission, Intelli To uc h To uchscreens, B-62
for mounting a touchscreen,2-19
for sealing a touchscr een, 2-19
Mechanical Specificatio ns, Intel liTo uch Touc hscre ens, B-
Modifying the Case for Serial Output, 2-46, 2-47
Modifying the Case for USB Output, 2-46
mounting a touchscreen,2-19, 2-20
Mounting the Touchscree n,2 -39
Nneck, CRT,2-15, 2-29
No touch data, A-51
Notes on Disassemblin g the Monitor, 2-36
OOperating Altitude, 2500S serial controller,B-64
Operating Modes, 2500S serial controller,B-64