Diagnostic CodesThe diagnostic codes may be a single byte or pair of bytes displayed in hex.
The following tables for each controller list the bit positions defined for each
byte. A 1 bit indicates a failure. Diagnostic codes are computed by summing the
value for each bit position using hexadecimal arithmetic.
IntelliTouch Serial C ont r ol ler ( 2500S)
These controllers have a two-byte diagnostic code displayed in the form AA-
BB. The AA byte is defined below. The BB byte is the same as the 4035
controller, defined above in Table A.1.
Table A.3
The IntelliTouch Serial Controller (2500S) bit position relating to each byte.
AA Bit Value (hex) Description
7 80 Touch microprocessor test incomplete
6 40 Reserved
5 20 Touch microprocessor test failed—touchscreen may not be
4 10 Nonvolatile RAM checksum test failure
3 08 RAM read/write test failure
2 04 ROM checksum test failure
1 02 Microprocessor log ic/register test failure
0 01 Firmware/hardware com p at ib il ity test failure